Welcome to the #IndieLegion, Squad #IndieAlpha

August 3, 2021, 2:55 am
Welcome to the #IndieLegion, Squad #IndieAlpha
Welcome to the IndieLegion, Squad IndieAlpha. It Is Done. Time to Group Up & nominate your Alpha Decurion.

Seems like a really awesome way to reach goals also to follow host ~ Pls lmk if you prefer I don`t tag u in these

Amazing people to follow indeed^^

Hey! Lets keep this fire going!! Follow everyone! All followed and RT!

Ive got a few cool people to shout out as well. Its so hard to pick since there are so many cool indie devs to follow Let`s fill those barracks! Please follow these awesome guys Likewise !

Please follow these guys!! Lets bolster the ranks 1: Here are your new brothers and sisters and non-binary companions in arms! What is the plan General? Squad Mission 1: 1000Mutuals4All To help each of your team members reach at least 1,000 *quality* Followers from the world of IndieDev and IndieGames. Do you choose to accept it? Where`s when you need a Monty Python bro in the house? Aye, Aye, Captain !! All in !! Reporting for duty
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