Thinking about a move to iPhone

September 22, 2022, 9:00 am
Thinking about a move to iPhone
Thinking about a move to iPhone. My Pixel 5 is due a refresh. What`s the community`s thoughts?

It seems okay when it`s charged, but when it starts to get to the 40% mark it drains fast. :-/

I`m banned from owning anything Samsung. So OnePlus on Android for several years now. Considering the new Google Pixel in October.

The Pixel 6 / 6 Pro are amazing ! I think you`d be better with a 7 though , they`re due next month

I`ve been Android since they killed Windows Phone. Nearly went Apple last year but got the Samsung S22. The S22 has a real crap signal and has trouble switching between 4G and 5G. Which is making me rethink about staying with them. Might go Apple when it`s upgrade time.

Whats to think about - do it.

I love my pixel 4(5g) and will stick with it for a while. I have an iPhone for work phone and not a fan, I find the interface clunky to use, The battery doesn`t seem as good. However it has a great camera.

It`s fascinating how fast you get used to it :)

The things I like about Apple, in no particular order, are: .

Had iPhones as my main phone for a goodly while now. Have tried other options but always come back for its simplicity and just works. I spend too much time getting other bits of tech to work, care and feeding or customising my phone doesnt hold any appeal any more.

Its more fun to let you guess :D But no it`s fine, tbh I don`t think there is much different nowadays in terms of specs and apps and camera quality.

Yeah I have the 6 pro. It`s a really nice phone. Out of the pixels I would always go for the pro option and never the a options that get released mid year.

I was Android for years until about 8 years ago, been iPhone since. Initially I didnt enjoy it but like some of your commenters, it just works. The App Store is a little more rigid so less occurrences of dodgy apps. Ive a lot of time now for the Apple workflows/ecosystem.

I tried to use one for my work phone but just could not get used to the navigation system. I missed my back button at the bottom of the screen.

iPhone all the way

Get ready to pay for your apps. In iPhone decisions are made for you on how to accomplish tasks not vice-versa. Get ready to close apps in different places, some on top left, top right, bottom etc. there is no single "back" button.

It`s a perfect opportunity to reset your relationship with your phone and the apps you use.

Good choice, just works ;)

That`s exactly how they get you! I got the boys an iPad, then myself an iPad pro. I`m now iPad, iPhone, MacBook Pro and waiting for the new airpods. Still using Google apps for some stuff though

I`ve recently made a similar move. Ended up with an iPhone 13 pro. I`m happy with the move, as I was getting sick of Samsung changing things all the time. It takes time to get used to the differences though. Do you use other Apple devices?

I`m currently testing IPhone as my private phone coming from samsung s20, for the first time since the IPhone 6. Quite honestly don`t hate it as much as I used to - I might even enjoy it! I say go for it; worse case apple products can always be resold.

Pixel 6 is a great phone

October new Pixel

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