The Challenges Apple is doing for WWDC this year

June 11, 2021, 8:54 am
The Challenges Apple is doing for WWDC this year
The Challenges Apple is doing for WWDC this year are very cool! I kinda wish theyd run these as app jams throughout the year would be great for students

The Material Design, Jetpack Compose and perhaps Android as a whole teams are setting the benchmark when it comes to engaging with devs 365 days a year. Microsoft have improved with update velocity and roadmap openness too recently. Apple the exception. As always :) That DNA

Apple Evangelists have regular meetings with companies. I agree they should do regular workshops with individual devs. Maybe they think Apple Store events are enough?

To be fair, evangelists do support developers selected by WWDR throughout the year. No pictures or videos though.

They do seem to have some low key webinar type calls outside of wwdc. Last august I had a call where they briefed us (employer) on app clips.

My opinion: the annual release (surprise!) approach is a bad one for developers, and ultimately, Apple. We shouldn`t have to wait a year to see if SwiftUI will let us dismiss the keyboard or not. I`d much prefer a continual development cycle, with a non-binding roadmap.

I almost became a Blackberry Dev Evangelist

Its kinda crazy we only see Apple developer evangelists once a year Other companies would be running events throughout the year, workshops, talks, etc. I used to really enjoy the Windows Phone jams Microsoft & Nokia put on

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