Poll: Do you think Linux is the best operating

January 25, 2021, 12:53 pm
Poll: Do you think Linux is the best operating
Poll: Do you think Linux is the best operating system if you are a developer?

Linux is a kernel. The best operating system, for everyone, is GNU/*.

Who is your audience though

Linux is not an operating system.

It depends what kind of developer you are... In most case the answer is yes though.

Its a bit of a bias result considering your content and the kind of people that would follow you

having no obscurity when analyzing bugs is like, really nice

The poll results and comments tell a contradictory story.

I`d cut the "if you are a developer" part

Just the best. Without any if.

As an webdev and security tester: totally yes

Intel Macs have done me pretty well for multi-platform dev. Not everyone needs Darwin though, so it really does come down to what your target environments are.

Windows and Apple developers will prefer better compatibility and tools offered by each operating system. For me, GNU/Linux and BSD are the best.

best for what? It`s certainly not the best for windows development, nor mac development. It is the best for linux development tho!

I`m kinda surprised of the 18.1% no-s

I`m just a user, mostly of the web, I don`t dev and I love me some Linux.

so you asked/polled people following the best linux blog in the universe what the best os to use as a developer is? Might as well had a poll called are you there?

It`s open source, so yes ""

I bought a IBM Thinkpad laptop 14 years ago and changed then the windows OS that came with it to a Linux Mint...I still have that same laptop and it runs like I bought yesterday with viruses whatsoever...

I use it You had me at "Do you think Linux is the best operating system"

Linux (or any other FOSS OS) is a better choice no matter who you are. Proprietary software is a hindrance to learning and limits your imagination.

Linux sucks its for poor people!!!!!! I use windows 10 pro and Mac OS 11

Win + Wsl has been great for gaming dev & machine learning.

I`m not even a developer but trying to support everyone who`s got an overdue Windows. And yes, there`s so much more

I dont lie, I like macOS, Im not dealing with operating system anyway. If they make a easy one click uninstaller for their apps, then one more reason to get rid of Windows (I know the uninstaller cant be trusted, but it is simple, I can delete the remaining by myself)

It depends on your distribution especially Debian base

Why Linux?? Need a don`t know button

why there is no option: "I don`t know. I`m not a developer"

Depends what youre developing.

I use OS X for simplicity

The preference differs from developer to developer. It depended on experience on an OS and the target deployment!

At least you`ll learn regex by using tools like grep and sed.

By far. It`s the easy access to all levels of complexity that makes all the difference, as opposed `easiness of usage` that the proprietarians tend to offer.

Last year, I cannot run Firefox on NetBSD. So, yes.

I think Linux is the best OS unless you gaming

Tools are great but I wouldnt use it as a main os.

Oh, there are still people who like wi... right?

You mean operating system which is called GNU?

Best OS to develop *on* or deploy on? Best server, yes, best heavyweight embedded OS? Sure. But I still develop *with* MacOS and Docker. If Linux ran perfectly on an M1 Macbook I could be convinced to switch.

hands down, yes. though in my company, we are forced to do more with windows as a front end and ssh/exceed connect to our Linux box. I must say that WSL and similar tools on win10 makes it very very comfortable Linux env. Also things like cygwin and mobaxterm as well

I`m a developer and i say absolutely yes, especially for distros like fedora and ubuntu LTS

For games dev it trully isn`t

For me the biggest downturn on linux is the debugger, sure you can use gdb, but it is on console, very hard to use and the graphical interfaces I tried were all very buggy and unreliable, while on windows with all its problem you have vs debugger and now remedydb.

I don`t see a specific reason as to why Linux would be the go-to choice for development. Does Linux have something specific for development that other OSes don`t?

As with everything related to computers, the correct answer is It depends.

no expert by any means but it`s kind of on par with macOS IMO, maybe due to their *nix similarities.

Developing: * For Windows? * For MacOS? * For Linux? * For the web frontend? * For the web backed? * For mobile? * For AIX? * For z/OS?

Linux is nice that it is open source, but Windows has more advanced developer tools. Visual Studio from MS for example or Borlands Developer Studio.

That`s a tricky question, it depends on which type of software... Not for game developers nor windows users, obviously.

If i was smart enough i would install linux on my laptop

"Yes BUT". If you are a dotnet dev... No. If you are a iOS app dev... No. If you are a generic dev, yes.

I answer as a web developer. I`m sure other kinds of developers have other criteria.

Linux suffers from fragmentation just like Android. I have wasted countless hours trying to build unified binaries that can run across distributions. I prefer something like FreeBSD instead where they make a single self contained system.

there should be another choice: it depends on the situation.

Thats a pretty solid Depends. Id say it is if you know what youre doing.

Depends on what your developing for

For me, Linux is the best operating system. The only reason to use Windows or MacOS is software compatibility for specific needs.

Linux is the kernel, the OS runs with/on it..

Which flavour of Linux kernel + userland? How often does it pull the rug under the developer`s feet by changing how the system is put together, including basic commands? Is it possible to understand the system enough to make informed decisions while developing other software?

Developer is a very vague description of work

I`m a linux user and I think it`s awesome, but I`m not sure if it is the best for development. I think the decisive factor is the dev, not the environment (OS included)

Really depends! Developer of what? iOS apps? Windows apps? Mac apps? No. Everything else: Yes.

Pointless poll. You are asking this on a page dedicated to Linux

It depends what you are actually developing, but most of the time the answer is yes

I guess every os has its own capability.

I would recommend working on several operating systems so that one can learn the differences in requirements and tools available for each. That is why I voted No.

Do we talk about existing and still maintained operating systems or systems in general including "if XYZ would still be developed and maintained"?

Is this even a real question?

Not a developer and I would be willing to bet that those that are draw stark distinctions between Unix and linux

Totally not a biased poll, coming from a very popular Linux blogger and Twitter account.

I guess that depends if you need to write Mac or Windows software...

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