People using “iPhone reactions” on group chats with Android

November 25, 2021, 1:08 am
People using “iPhone reactions” on group chats with Android
People using iPhone reactions on group chats with Android users.

Supposedly they`re fixing this on Android but since each phone is an ecosystem unto itself, it`s gonna be a while before a majority of Android users don`t get annoyed.

been trying to get my family to stop it since day 1, and still.....

Look, all Im saying after working on an app for both iPhone and android is that the ability to parse and make a good user experience on iPhone is so much easier. So many dumb things break in android and its miserable to use. Just my 2

Videos only look like that on my phone when they`re sent to me by iPhone users. TeamAndroid TeamTana TeamButtInToTheConversation

Loved Damnit, Travis.

People still having android phones in 2021. Team Android, so clearly not the problem.

"they do if I believe hard enough" -@handrajs cc: Theyre just really excited about the rum balls I made.

Actually, I just read an article Android is working on a fix for that. It will start to show emojis now when people do that. Still annoying, but we shall see.

Laughed at People using iPhone reactions on group chats with Android users.

[So and so] [laughed at] "Entire freaking text message."

I`m just used to it now. I did feel compelled to explain to my mother WTF everyone was doing though.

Hello Ronny.
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