Officially 800 days since Microsoft released a AAA First

July 21, 2021, 10:07 pm
Officially 800 days since Microsoft released a AAA First
Officially 800 days since Microsoft released a AAA First Party game. The fanbase is perfectly content with this. YayPhilSpencer WhatRWeDoingHere Xbox

We got patience unlike you ya toxic pony.

And yet, it`s ponies who are emotional.

Next week itll be 900 days

I cant help but wonder what youre going through that has you so miserable. Itll get better king. Yes sirrrrrrrrrr. I bet you already got it preinstalled too . I know I do.

6 more days . And it was highest grossing consoles for June without games, whatever you guys are doing its working.

Once Flight Sim releases this tired narrative will be finally over. Enjoy, you got one week to say this stuff (Ponies respond to this laughing at flight sim) Me: Please, tell me more about how you disregard games because they arent single player 3rd person adventure games

Or put another way... "That was trash" Yeah then bought a PS5.

He`s above Madz but below Timdog.

congratulations to xbots Almost 3 years is a joke, bots love them old games

so is this number gonna reset after flight sim?

Its even worse then that. Since 2016 they only had gears 5 and forza , thats 5 yrs. O yeah , and only 15% finished gears 5 , a 5 hr game. So all thay capping is str8 BS. Hyvebusters only 6% or so finished it. And they all said it was the best looking game out here

Sony providing the appetizers until Microsoft delivers the full course meal

You should do something special for when it gets to 1000

Are you in the fanbase?

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