I`m ready to answer your questions about @klever_io #exchange

June 26, 2021, 2:00 pm
I`m ready to answer your questions about @klever_io #exchange
Im ready to answer your questions about exchange for the next hour...

Would a top 3-5 base trading pair be a possibility? BTC-ETH-USDT-XRP-BNB

Any idea if we as users can provide liquidity on the exchange to earn commission on swaps?

Dio do you have any plans on listing $SPE in the near future? Its an amazing project with huge potential. Please look into it

Hello when klever moves from Tron to it`s own blockchain how will the user be affected if at all?

Small amounts can be changed to klv?

Does klever exchange support fiat currency ( INR ) ?

how many pairs will KleverEX come out

What are the killer features of KleverEx?

Any plans for kfi token soon?

Will you offer free listing as introductory to the launch of exchange?

Why do you think users will login everyday to KleverExchange? PS. Thanks for changing my life , I will buy you a drink when we meet in person. Cheers , The Moto King

Sir, want to ask what options there may be for off-ramps via the exchange. its relatively easy for on-ramps but the off-ramps are the challenging part... can we request max participation to the p2p features to facilitate easy off-ramping... thx

I keep seeing things about AirDrops. What are these exactly and how does one qualify for them? Thank You For Your Time And One HELL OF A PRODUCT. KleverLove WeAreKlever

When will P2P Trading and Buy Crypto (credit card) be implemented? Klever KleverEx

Klever exchange have a dex or swap version too or not?

So, will I be able to use the funds in my kleverWallet directly in kleverexchange?

Do you think KleverEx will be competitive to Binance and KuCoin ?

Ive been down since TronWalletMe. Can your boy get a follow back?

Hi can you follow me please? And Will there be major partnerships and if so what type and who? Thank`s

If an exchange is launched, the rate of burning klv will be higher

Will KLV be a base pair for most currency on the exchange? Also will there be an incentive for referrals again?

Can you follow me, even for one day?

Hey ! I am super excited about the exchange. Congrats on this huge milestone. Are there any plans to work with ? What kind of tech will be behind klv`s Blockchain?

Will it have p2p in the future?

In what ways will $kfi holders be affected by the exchange if at all? Also the details of market makers and how to become one. Thank you for your transparency and openness to talk with plebs on Twitter

Why was the iOS version of the exchange not as much as a priority as the android version?

Dio, congrats on the whole Klever ecosystem... How many pairs will you have at the public launch of the KleverEx?

Could you please add try to add some more tire1 exchanges and Korean markets before KLVEX launch please

Can you implement live current users (dau,mau) on your website?

Will you make a campaign at the opening of the market?

Are we still gonna continue staking on the klever wallet app or we will have to move our assets to klv exchange?

Do you plan to open on local exchanges in the future? like Binacetr

How many active Android users do you have ? When Ios ?Thanks.

will KLV on kucoin be counted in snapshots for airdrops etc?

Should P2P trading features be available especially for ?

Top tier exchanges ignore real use case projects for listing. Can we expect the transparency in listing projects on KleverEx ?

What time exactly should we start to download the exchange and what will happen to the klever app we had?

What will happens to this tokens sir since it`s not showing in the app Feature is the most vital thing in building project growth, a product will not develop without good feature and promotion, whatever it is good. so, how about Klever Finance? Can you provide a list of killer features that scare your competitors over your project?

Happy birthday llnp

What`s your thoughts on KLV price after KLV exchange launch.. Just wanted know curiously Please answer

Is there any rewards for joining klever exchange as an early membership?

How excited are you about KleverEx!?

Is there any office on klever?

Great job Dio , wen will kleverEx have p2p options in the case of Nigeria.

Is there will be KLV staking option in a Exchange ? Thanks

What can you say about the listings? $IGG, $BFHT?

You and all the team are amazing. Huge congratulations and all the best for KleverEx !

What about future and leverage trading dio we are very excited about it klv

Is the exchange coming out for iOS and android in 4 days?

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