More on how the race is evolving across #FreshStartWorlds

September 30, 2022, 11:55 am
More on how the race is evolving across #FreshStartWorlds
More on how the race is evolving across FreshStartWorlds today... 9 people have died to Solak 525 people have died in Elite Dungeon 1 30 in Elite Dungeon 2 139,382 in Elite Dungeon 3 8 to Beastmaster 236 players have talked with Max in Gower Quest

You forgot about a certain group of people whom has sneaked max cash into the game (among other things) and made an absolute fool out of a certain Jmod. Reroll 2 incoming?

Im more curious when youre going to keep improving and not skyrocketing bonds, in the standard game <3. Ppl would like it if you dropped gimmicks and mtx as well.. As Im not interested in starting over. I juuuuust finished getting every skill and xp to comp

I`m taking my good ole time. Not even the end of week one. So far my strat is paying off

I got here and decided to quit climbing Heard there was a bug in FSW.. how about all the money brought into fsw from rs3 lol yall some bums

Time to go die in ed4 to be in the history books

Really feels like you guys should have been watching the players for the first to 99 considering there`s a rare item on the line. Bots, macros, or even multiple people on one account is unacceptable. There`s even a spam bot right in burthrope at the beginning. Do better Jagex.

Wish you had this enthusiasm for the main game.

Ya its FairPlay for everyone this isnt a scam by jagex at all Elite dungeon 3 deaths are not surprising at all ;)

Ill be the first fsw timeweaver and Godslayer

Wrong i died in zammy

Bout ta get a worlds first

Lets be real Priff isnt really worth unless you plan keep the account, and nobody is x0

I did 10 strange switch run in the wilderness bad was disappointed it didn`t count for a broadcast

Well I would be playing if it was Free Remember this Game mode is to Celebrate 300MAccounts I don`t want to use a Bond to have to play! There should have been a F2P & Members should have got to play for Free. At least the Skill & Master Capes are coming sometime

Just to clarify: Is that 130k cumulative deaths in ED3, or 130k individual accounts which have died at least once in ED3?

Imma die to zammy don`t worry If you`re not first you`re last

That`s because they cannot handle my chaos! I reign supreme in the FSW!

ED3 needs another nerf it seems...

As of yet, no player has: Died to Zamorak Got the requirements for Plague`s End (Quest required to enter Priff) Unlocked invention

Hmm, I wonder why so many people are doing ED3....

How many of those players have multiple people on one account. This race has lost its integrity day one. Announcing things just feels like lying to your community at this point.

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