I had a dream which featured a board game

July 5, 2022, 3:20 pm
I had a dream which featured a board game
I had a dream which featured a board game that had alternate "christian rules". You used different pieces that didn`t look like people, and instead of rolling to see how far you moved, you were supposed to close your eyes and move and stop whenever the holy spirit told you to

Daddy says dice are wicked. We just move one space at a time. Christians plating Ouiji when wvwryone else is playing monopoly and telling the other players they win beca7se the holy spirit decided they landednob the railroads every time us pretty sound.

Anyway after that it diverged into some weirdness about a slave camp in the woods and running out of gasoline, and the plumbing in the house being full of chunks of beef stroganoff. The shower was a MESS.

Ah yes, The Game Of Life

It wasn`t a Christian game otherwise. It was, like, some generic mixup of like candy land and monopoly and uno. But they included special rules to let Christians play it?

Of course, because rolling dice would be gambling.

Did the board include lion pits?

average itch dot io tabletop game

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