Even Realme Founder don`t trust his own brand! Lmao

December 2, 2021, 6:04 am
Even Realme Founder don`t trust his own brand! Lmao
Even Realme Founder don`t trust his own brand! Lmao

It`s better to purchase smartphone made by snapdragon themself cause I don`t think other manufacturers will utilise snapdragon 8 gen 1 to it`s maximum potential.

twitter police

Realmi is a budget phone....do you expect a CEO to use his budget phones while he could have the high end experience..huh

LMAO the founder of Realme is using an iPhone Please kill me

Okay according to your logic Ambani must be using Jio phone next Am I right?

It`s like a street food vendor selling foods but even eating them himself even for his own lunch.

realme employs loves iPhone than realme

Smart move from realme. Now everyone will retweet mocking the company and they get their product advertised for free.

Maybe because social media apps tend to be better on iPhones? (One exception being Snapchat) I still find this hilarious lmaoo

They might have someone managing their social media also.

They will trust their own brand when your type of customer will buy 1 lakh 70 thousand rupees realme phones...then they will produce that kind of best phone and will do much more r&d to make the best product...hopeless and truly logicless argument!!!

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Twitter Police

its not necessarily founders managing Twitter accounts, could me just social media manager who is using iPhone...

all companies account, tweeting by wep..

Ha haa I don`t know why realme Officials are using iphone

Yaaa you are right

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u r very quick

Twitted from iPhone for realme

Hmm i respect your opinion too. You know right, i am on group

Why we much care about people what they were tweeting from?

this shouldn`t be a bad thing...but I get why

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