Dbfz is the hardest fighting game I`ve ever played

September 1, 2021, 1:47 pm
Dbfz is the hardest fighting game I`ve ever played
Dbfz is the hardest fighting game I`ve ever played currently


What a weird statement lol, it`s like saying "I am currently the youngest I`ll ever be".

I can see no lies told here!!

DBFZ is insane, its so beginner friendly at the ground level but has a limitless skill ceiling. Id recommend it to people who want to casually enjoy a fighting game as much as I would to an experienced player looking for depth and versatility

And dbl is the worst fighting game I`ve ever played

I grew up with arena fighters, but with these type of fighting games like Injustice and DbZf I found them really difficult to master the combos

Which one yall think is harder to master?

Dbfz hardest fgc title Ive ever played currently Some niggas kids man

that`s what i love about FighterZ it appeals to not only beginners but also experts because of its high difficulty curve

I really like dbfz but i think tekken is more difficult to play due to hard inputs and unique characters abilities

Yea im trying to be a pro player but Ir a really hard lmao

So you said it for clout, say less my guy.

Maybe with how high the skill ceiling can go. But fighterZ is legit one of the lowest skill floors ever for a fighting game.

People really comparing a 4 year old game with 3 whole seasons of patching to a game that came out like 3 months ago with one patch. Easy to forget that month 3 DBFZ was GARBAGE compared to how it is now.

But 1 real difficult thing about this game is finding a team. Cause we all love these characters but now EVERYONE is viable , so its hard to just play 1 team , atleast for me .

Come on nitro see the plan lol jk Yea this is cap & bait. Almost feel for it.

Just know that nertual isnt as need of n fighterz like other fighting games

Who`s gonna take it What other games did you play? Honest question But DBFZ is def harder than Strive at least

Oh lord there he goes Ok but why did you come for GG Strive? Ones a Verses game the other is 1 on 1 footies game. It like saying Naruto storm 4 is better than Marvel

Oh no. they aint gonna like this one. Tbh havent played much SG but it seems like the hardest one

Yeah, tbh dbfz is not an easy game at high level.

woah there king
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