Are you using Apple or Android phone? Both at

July 31, 2021, 5:52 am
Are you using Apple or Android phone? Both at
Are you using Apple or Android phone?

Both at the diffrent time

Where is the Blackberry option?

We all know that Androids have long lasting batteries and have better jokes than apples can do

uhm i using iphone...

Apple is Trash Samsung are The Best

I use an IPhone because most Androids have been pretty unappealing to me tbh

Oh god get ready for controversy Huh, it seems you forgot water glass as an option

I wish android but Im using apple ngl

imagine using Android or Apple

balanced as all things should be

50-50 :O I used apple lol

Currently using Android but going to switch to IPhone :)

Apple kinda overused but its lifespan is clear

i dont have a phone :(

lol I don`t use phone

Both platforms are mature at this stage, having existed for more than a decade. Apple has a multitude of features that makes me prefer iOS. Even the iPhone 6S is getting iOS 15, which isnt elsewhere. Its my personal preference, and nobody has convinced me to switch.

Android because people always think that having something by Apple means they are rich lol

Wait what???????? Balanced!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apple overrated lol, so much

I use apple but i accidentally clicked android :( when i dont even know what android is

i dont even have a phone yet :(

Android but i like both

Imagine using android Apple it runs fast but battery dies fast not too fast for me

Android because android has fast charging and I love charging my phone in 1 hour

Android. Samsung is best. No .

Apple for the Bois! iPhone 12 Pro

Apple 1st voter
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