Apple Executive Suggests Users Who Want App Sideloading Move

June 23, 2021, 1:04 pm
Apple Executive Suggests Users Who Want App Sideloading Move
Apple Executive Suggests Users Who Want App Sideloading Move to Android by

I mean at least on Android you can get a trusted antivirus/anti-malware app to protect against dangerous apps you tried to sideload unlike iOS.

THANK YOU.. THANK YOU.... THANK YOU.... THANK YOU... SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH... Finally... Apple admits its dictatorship.

Boy consumers are getting more needy by the day

You can already sideload apps on iOS if you know how. Its just easier on Android because its officially supported.

Fixed it...! then move there is no freedom on pay to be all welcome apple fans....we waiting for you to move to the master race android and Keep clean an safe And that`s why I`m buying an iPhone.

I own an iPhone for phone stuff and android phone for fun stuff.

You dont even deserve our blue bubbles. Keep iPhone clean

Users who want app sideloading should point out that iOS and Android are a duopoly in the mobile OS space, a space thats arguably essential in todays world, and that either of those platforms blocking sideloading is blatantly highly anticompetitive

So we need a baby sitter to use our phones? They are protecting us? Give me a break

he`s right, you know

Prima facie, a bit harsh, but true. I am an Android user and I can vouch for this. If you are fond of side-loading, please switch to Android.

That is one of the main reasons i am still sticking with my android phone the freedom to install modded apps,still i love my iPad pro.

Good, and they should! Its not one companies job to accommodate everyones desires when the options are out there. People cant have it both ways.

A bit harsh

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